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Census Information Center

The Census Information Center (CIC) program was established in 1988 when the U.S. Census Bureau and the National Urban League entered into a joint agreement to create a pilot project to make Census data and information available to minority communities. 

In 2000, USHLI became an official member of the CIC network. Currently, the network consists of 52 non-profit groups, a mix of national and community-based organizations. The network is comprised of colleges and universities, research groups, minority chambers of commerce, civil rights organizations serving children, the aging, rural populations, and tribal governments. The CICs are represented in 22 states (including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) across the country.

USHLI prides itself on compiling useful, in-depth and comprehensive statistical information about Latinos in the United States. As an official Census Information Center, USHLI receives all available census information from which we create demographic profiles, brief data overviews and color thematic maps of major cities, counties, and states.

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